
Roger Ellman’s paintings are in private collections in Europe and America.

He started to explore his fascination with brilliant colour and the beneficial effects of brightness while living in Santa Barbara last century, in the early 1990’s.

His travels to West Africa, South America, Italy, Spain and the Philippines added an unstoppable well-spring of energy which he topped up in the rugged and soulful beauty of Crete during his ten year “Crete period”.

Born in little old England, at home in the world. His painting is casual yet strong and vigorous – striking in its international appeal.

A Roger Ellman painting is a 97/100 score on the art investment buy list we create! In other words it’s never to soon, but soon could be too late to be a buyer. Don’t miss out!


RogeEllman-Shows_Paintings_AZ-DesertRogerEllman during the High Desert period (Arizona) – one of  a few remaining photographs of this period